The drape from ring nets is the simplest and most effective rockfall protection solution. The main function of our system is to control the trajectory of the falling rocks in the corridor between the slope and the net. In this case, the kinetic energy of impact of rock blocks decreases. Rockfall drape requires accumulation zone at the bottom of the slope.
Main element of the system is rockfall protection ring net. Ring net panels have standard sizes 10x3 m. Panels connets to each other with shackles. Along perimeter of the slope, drape is reinforced with steel ropes. Generally, the rock net overlaps the slope edge by 1.5-3 m. Anchor lenght is calculated taking into account the physical and mechanical properties of the ground and pulling loads.
In some cases, the largest and most dangerous rock blocks (in the absence of the possibility of their forced descent) are additionally fixed on the slope with the help of steel ropes.
The diameter of the rings in ring net can be 420, 350 or 250 mm.
Our qualified engineers will help you to select the most effective configuration of the drape for your slope, and find the way to optimize your project.
◊Can be used on rocky slopes of any steepness, regardless of the physical and mechanical properties of the ground.
◊Saving on anchors: requires a minimum number of anchors to secure the top support rope over the edge of the slope.
◊Convenient and quick installation
◊Safe installation: installed from top to bottom, installers always in a safe area.
◊Rockfall drape does not require maintenance.
◊It is easy to clean the debris material accumulation zone in the lower part of the slope in a mechanized way. No special equipment required.
◊Lack of weak points in the design.
◊All materials, components and accessories for our systems are made in Russia on Russian equipment and from domestic raw materials.